RDP 2014-2020

The Regional Development Program of the Pomurje Region for the period 2014-2020 (RDP Pomurje 2014-2020) is the fundamental strategic and programming document of the region, which coordinates development goals in the region and determines the instruments and resources for their realization. Content-wise and methodologically, it is coordinated with national development policies and fully follows the EU 2020 goals for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is realized by an agreement on the development of the region, signed by the president of the Development Council of the Pomurje Region and the minister responsible for regional development, concluded for a four-year period. Legal grounds:

The Development Council of the Pomurje Region adopted the Pomurje Regional Development Program 2014-2020 at its 9th meeting on 20/05/2015. The Pomurje Regional Development Program 2014-2020 is presented below in the following documents:

Pomurje Regional Development Program 2014-2020

Pomurje Regional Development Program 2014-2020 (Summary)

Annex 1: List of project proposals

Annex 2: Cartographic bases:

Annex 2.1: Network of settlements

Annex 2.2: Development potentials

Annex 2.3: Urban development

Annex 2.4: Transport and energy

Law on promotion of harmonious regional development _ USSR-2 DOCUMENTS:

Regional development programme of Pomurje 2014-2020

Regional development progreamme Pomurje 2014-2020 (Summary)

Annex 1: List of project proposals

Annex 2.1: Network of settlements

Annex 2.2: Development potentials

Annex 2.3: Urban development

Annex 2.4: Transport and energy

Act on Promotion of Harmonious Regional Development _ ZSRR-2