Development Council of the Region

The Development Council of the Pomurje Region is the body for coordinating development initiatives and development interests in the region. The tasks of the Development Council are to manage and direct the preparation of the Regional Development Program (RDP), adopt the RDP, conclude agreements for the development of regions, participate in the territorial development dialogue, monitor the implementation of the RDP and agreements for the development of regions, in the field of regional development, cooperation with the regions of other countries and other tasks in accordance with the law. The Development Council of the Pomurje Region consists of 31 members, including 10 representatives of municipalities, 10 representatives of the economy, 5 representatives of non-governmental organizations, 5 representatives of regional development partnerships and 1 representative of the Hungarian ethnic minority. The Development Council of the Pomurje Region 2021-2027 has 5 committees:


  • Smart Region Committee
  • Green Region Committee
  • Committee for the Connected Region
  • Committee for Social Region
  • Committee for an attractive region


Council members are also members of individual committees (9 members). Committees are headed by RDA. You can find a list of committee members here. You can find the composition of the Pomurje Region Development Council 2021 – 2027 here RULES of PROCEDURE of the Pomurje Region Development Council.