Regional authorities

Development decisions at the level of the region in accordance with the USSR-2 are made by:

  • development council of the region,
  • council of the region and
  • development council of the cohesion region.

The following are established in the Pomurska region as development guidance, control and decision-making bodies:

  • The Development Council of the Pomurje Region, consisting of representatives of municipalities, businesses, NGOs, a representative of the Hungarian ethnic minority and representatives of regional development partnerships,
  • The Pomurje Development Region Council, which consists of the mayors of all Pomurje municipalities.

The cohesion region of Eastern Slovenia consists of the following development regions (territorial units NUTS-3): Pomurska, Podravska, Carinthia, Savinjska, Spodnjeposavska, Zasavska, Jugovzhodna Slovenia and Notranjsko-Karst. The Development Council of the Cohesion Region of Eastern Slovenia, in accordance with the Regulation on the Development Council of the Cohesion Region, consists of representatives of the development regions connected to the Cohesion Region. Each development region has five representatives in the council. In performing its tasks, the council cooperates with ministries, regions, municipalities, associations of economic activities, self-governing national communities, and public and non-governmental organizations. The mandate of the council is the same as the program period. You can find more about the council here.