18.06.2024 | CIVITEC
The CIVITEC project aims to make democracy more participatory, inclusive, and responsive by enhancing citizen involvement through new digital tools and processes.
Civic technology, often referred to as Civic Tech, plays a pivotal role in enhancing engagement and public participation across various levels of governance. By facilitating the co-creation of strategies and policies, it fosters dynamic shifts in the relationship between citizens and public institutions, revitalizing democratic processes.
Project partners will refine policies and identify a diverse array of emerging digital tools, and process methodologies aimed at amplifying citizen and community participation within the framework of a free and democratic society: strengthening the transparency, accountability, and capacity of local governments and augmenting citizen and stakeholder involvement in decision-making and policy implementation processes.
“Tools such as online petitions, open data portals, citizen evaluation and monitoring platforms, and participatory budgeting systems will empower citizens to collectively discuss community needs and priorities, subsequently allocating public funds accordingly”, Eleftherios Loizou, CIVITEC Project Leader.
More information can be found on: https://www.interregeurope.eu/civitec

09.11.2023 | Explore LAG At the good people
The leading partner of the operation: The leading partner LAG AT the good people – Society for the sustainability of resources SI.ENERGIJA Renkovci 8, 9224 Turnišče
Partner in the operation: Development agency Sinergija d.o.o., Acceleration of development, business unit Renkovci Renkovci 8, 9224 Turnišče
Thematic area of action: Job creation Development of basic services
Measure under SLR: Development of tourism in connection with natural and cultural heritage
Specific objective:
- Increase entrepreneurial activities and encourage innovative partnerships, thus creating conditions for new (green) jobs, new local products and services;
- To improve the tourist attractiveness of the LAG area by exploiting cultural and natural features.
The purpose of the operation: Tourism represents a very important and at the same time one of the most promising economic sectors in the LAG area. The cultural landscape and heritage in the countryside are important economic opportunities, so it is necessary to use these potentials as a development factor. The area is characterized by a diverse tourist, sports and recreational infrastructure. Many cultural, sports and other events are organized in the area every year. The utilization of the advantageous geographical position is poor. The potential of the natural and cultural heritage for tourism purposes is not fully exploited. The tourist offer is fragmented (unconnectedness of individual existing providers). With the operation, we want to take advantage of the high level of preserved nature as a potential for the development of eco-friendly (sustainable) tourism. Locally produced products and food will be included in the tourist offer. We will develop new tourist products as a result of integration and active integral protection of natural and cultural heritage. We will connect the providers in the LAG area with good people in joint activities. The solutions created as part of the operation will be permanent, as online solutions will be updated, which will be taken care of by the LAG leading partner, and the marketing of new products and 5-star experiences will be taken over by participating providers from the LAG area. The implementation of the operation will include the entire LAG area, all interested providers and the areas of production, processing and tourism. We will also include already existing stories from the area in the operation’s activities, connect them in one place and also take care of their visibility. We will also create various presentation aids and carry out a digital campaign and other recognizable activities. Part of the activity will be aimed at improving knowledge of sustainable and green tourism. In this way, we will bring the providers of the LAG area closer to Slovenian and global trends in tourism. We will carry out a series of activities to improve the skills of tourism providers. A special set of activities is aimed at raising awareness and training young people and the unemployed.
Objectives of the operation
The key objectives of the operation are:
- to improve, connect and combine the presentation of the entire area of LAG with good people, especially in the field of tourism, natural and cultural heritage;
- connect growers and processors in the LAG area and open up new market routes for them;
- improve knowledge of sustainable and green tourism.
Operation indicators:
- Number of new local products and services (2);
- Number of new tourist programs, products and services based on the cultural and natural heritage of the LAG area (1);
- Number of conducted educational events (4).
Results of the operation:
- With the establishment of an online platform and the implementation of digital activities, we will improve, connect and combine the presentation of the entire area of LAG At good people (1 new joint online platform);
- With the creation of the new product “Good basket” we will connect the growers and processors of the LAG area (2 new packages);
- By holding an awareness event, we will increase knowledge of sustainable and green tourism (1 event).
Operation period:
1.7. 2023—31.12.2024
Total value of the operation in EUR: 86,147.00
Amount of co-financing in EUR: 70,045.95
Contact: E: info@las-pdl.si T: 040 252 762 or 02 538 16 63
European Commission website: https://ec.europa .eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/index_sl.htm
The website of the Rural Development Program: https://www.program-podezelja.si/
The website of LAG At the good people 2020: http://www.las- pridobrihljudeh.si/prva-stran/
20.09.2023 | Closed projects
The growth of the world’s population and increased energy consumption in developing countries has caused the emission of greenhouse gases to increase greatly. The result is climate change and extreme weather events, which represent one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century.
The goal of the RURES project:
- Improve territorially based low-carbon energy planning strategies and policies that support climate change mitigation.
The RURES project pursues two sub-goals:
- To take advantage of the potential of renewable energy sources and increase energy efficiency in rural regions, because they have a great potential to become energy independent.
- Provide support to political decision-makers in the process of developing and implementing energy policies.
What will we do as part of the project Local Support Groups (LPS) will be established within RURES, which together will form a regional energy network and will consist of important representatives from the environment (municipality, regional agencies, energy, economy…) and will take care of the implementation of the Plan energy efficiency. An international cooperation agreement will be signed during the LPS. Examples of good practices and models of alternative financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency measures will be investigated, and recommendations for financing will be made based on these studies. As part of the project, pilot measures will be taken in the field of renewable energy sources (ventilation with heat recovery, smart metering, LED lights, PV for thermal and on-demand production, wind energy and plant energy, a plant powered by vegetable oils, energy efficiency measures for water pumps and E-tree), which will be placed in visible and densely trafficked places. The benefit and added value created by the exploitation of RES will be investigated, as well as an online tool for calculation (municipal taxes, other incomes… ) This will reduce the gap between developed and less developed regions, where there will be an exchange of good practices and experiences ( financial and technological), which will lead to new insights and investments in energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources, which will consequently reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The project consists of 3 thematic work packages:
- Preparing the implementation of the energy efficiency plan process
- Implementation of the energy efficiency plan
- Measuring the effects of the economic value of renewable energy sources
5 investments by partner countries:
- ventilation with heat recovery in the sports center (DE),
- energy efficiency measures for water pumps (PL),
- E-tree (SI, Pomurje),
- Establishing an energy renewable environment (HU),
- Establish energy efficiency in the administrative building in Čakovec (HR).
Communications about the project The goal is to inform the public about the results and progress on websites, promotional material based on the established communication strategy.
Partners: 11 partners (including two partners from Pomurje) and one associate partner from 6 Central European countries. Country: Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland.
Project value: €2.16 million. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and through the Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020 program in the amount of €1.82 million.
MATERIAL: RURES Press release
10.11.2023 | Explore Goričko
Partner in the operation: Development agency Sinergija d.o.o., Acceleration of development
Thematic area of action: Job creation Development of basic services
Measure according to SLR: Development of tourism in connection with natural and cultural heritage
Specific objective:
- Increase entrepreneurial activities and encourage innovative partnerships, thus creating conditions for new (green) jobs, new local products and services;
- To improve the tourist attractiveness of the LAS area by exploiting cultural and natural features.
Purpose of the operation: Tourism represents a very important and at the same time one of the most promising economic sectors in the Goričko area. The cultural landscape and heritage in the countryside are important economic opportunities, so it is necessary to use these potentials as a development factor. The area is characterized by a diverse tourist, sports and recreational infrastructure. Many cultural, sports and other events are organized in the area every year. The utilization of the advantageous geographical position is poor. The potential of the natural and cultural heritage for tourism purposes is not fully exploited. There are no developed integrated tourism products. The tourist offer is fragmented (unconnectedness of individual existing providers). With the operation, we want to take advantage of the high level of preserved nature as a potential for the development of eco-friendly (sustainable) tourism. Locally produced products and food will be included in the tourist offer. We will develop new tourist products as a result of integration and active integral protection of natural and cultural heritage. We will connect providers in Gorički in joint activities. The solutions created as part of the operation will be permanent, as online solutions will be updated, which will be taken care of by the leading partner of LAS, and the marketing of new products and 5-star experiences will be taken over by participating providers from the Goričko area. The implementation of the operation will include the entire LAS area, all interested providers and the areas of production, processing and tourism. We will also include already existing stories from the area in the operation’s activities, connect them in one place and take care of their joint presentation. We will also create presentation aids and carry out a digital campaign and other connecting activities. Part of the activity will be aimed at improving knowledge of sustainable and green tourism. In this way, we will bring the providers of the Goričke area closer to Slovenian and global trends in tourism. We will carry out a series of activities to improve the skills of tourism providers. A special set of activities is aimed at raising awareness and training young people. Objectives of the operation
The key objectives of the operation are:
- Improve, connect and combine the presentation of the entire LAS Goričko 2020 area.
- To connect the growers and processors of the Goričke area and to open up new market routes for them.
- Improve knowledge of sustainable and green tourism
Operation indicators:
- Number of new local products and services (2);
- Number of new tourist programs, products and services based on the cultural and natural heritage of the LAS area (1);
- Number of conducted educational events (3).
- Number of conducted educational/awareness activities (1)
Results of the operation:
- By establishing an online platform and carrying out digital activities, we will improve, connect and combine the presentation of the entire Goričko LAS area (1 new joint online platform);
- With the creation of the new product “Gorička gajbica” we will connect the growers and processors of the Goričke area (2 new packages);
- By holding an awareness event, we will increase knowledge of sustainable and green tourism (1 awareness event).
Operation period:
- 9. 2023—31.12.2024
The total value of the operation in the EUR: 131.228,67
Amount of co-financing in EUR: 98.312,02
Contact: E: info@smarthouse.si T: 02 538 16 64
European Commission website: https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/index_sl.htm
The Rural Development Program website: https://www.program-podezelja.si/
The website of LAG At good people 2020: http://www.las-pridobrihljudeh.si/prva-stran/
20.09.2023 | Closed projects
During the 2.5 years of implementation of the TRANSDANUBE.PEARLS project, a network of destinations that strive for sustainable mobility in tourism called “Transdanube.Pearls” will be established. By joining the Transdanube.Pearls network, the visibility of the participating destinations will increase, offering visitors a unique opportunity to travel along the Danube with sustainable means of transport. On the other hand, the Transdanube.Pearls network will facilitate the cooperation of stakeholders from the mobility and tourism sectors at different levels. Common standards and appropriate organizational structures will ensure the operation of the established network even after the end of the project. Mobility trainings will provide local and regional stakeholders with the capacity to further develop sustainable mobility services. The knowledge gained during the training will also be enriched by the experience gained during the development and presentation of mobility and information services within the project – mobility services that will contribute to overcoming gaps and improving quality, especially in the last kilometer of arrival at the destination and within this destination. By better connecting different forms of public transport and cycling, the project will also contribute to the improvement of intermodal travel chains, which will have an impact on increasing the quality of the entire transport system. Additional efforts will be made with the aim of improving accessibility to user-friendly information about existing mobile services. While regional mobility centers will act as VEM (All in One Place) points for mobility in all regions, international tourism and mobility information platforms will allow tourists to inquire about existing options for traveling around the Danube regions without using a car. A special offer of sustainable mobility tourism will also be provided in the form of attractive tourist packages intended for visitors who prefer to follow predetermined routes rather than explore on their own.
The main goal of the project: to ensure a sustainable, socially just, economically viable and environmentally and health-friendly promotion of mobility.
Specific objectives of the project:
- establish a network that will advocate for sustainable mobility for tourists and residents;
- establish a network that will advocate for sustainable mobility for tourists and residents;
- provide integrated sustainable mobility services;
- provide end users with integrated, easily accessible information about the services.
Main results of the project: Trandanube.Pearls is a project that aims to strengthen the existing cooperation between stakeholders from the transport and tourism sectors at different levels (local, regional, national). The main results of the project will raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable mobility in the field of tourism and increase the capacities & abilities of local and regional stakeholders from the transport and tourism sector with the aim of developing services that will bring the concept of sustainable mobility in tourism to the Danube area. The project will raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable mobility by implementing pilot actions (9) and implementing mutual learning activities (2 + 42), which will demonstrate the benefits of sustainable mobility and information services and provide formats for the exchange of ideas and opportunities to discuss implementation options. The capacities of local and regional stakeholders will be increased by carrying out the following activities:
- trainings will be held for interested stakeholders to become certified managers of sustainable mobility mobility (100);
- guidelines for the implementation of sustainable mobility and information services will be prepared and implemented (6).
Increasing the capacity of local and regional stakeholders will be influenced by:
- establishment and development of the Transdanube.Pearls Network, which will establish operational units (institutional structures and personnel) at the regional level and transnational management organizations that will support individual “pearls” or pearls by implementing joint promotional activities, consulting, providing knowledge , etc;
- by establishing Information-Mobility Centers, which will act as a driving force for the development, coordination and information on existing sustainability-mobility services (10).
Partners in the project: Lead partner: Environment Agency Austria (Austria) ERDF partners in the project: Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm (Germany), WGD Danube Upper Austria Tourism Ltd. (Austria), Regionalmanagement Burgenland Ltd. (Austria), Bratislava Self-Governing Region (Slovakia), West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary), STRDA South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary), City of Vukovar (Croatia), Development agency Sinergija (Slovenia), Regional Administration of Vidin Region (Bulgaria), Club “Sustainable Development of Civil Society” (Bulgaria), NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN TOURISM (Romania) , The South-East Regional Development Agency (Romania). IPA partners in the project: Danube Competence Center (Serbia), Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia (Serbia). Associated partners: Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Austria), Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (Austria), Neusiedler See Tourism Ltd. (Austria), Regional Government of Burgenland (Austria), Rail Tours Touristik Ltd. (Austria), Destination Marketing Association German Danube (Germany), Supreme Building Authority – Part of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport (Germany), Panonsko more d.o.o. / Panonian sea Ltd. (Croatia), Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway Corp. (Hungary), Government of Baranya County (Hungary), Association of Szigetköz Tourism (Hungary), Association of Tourism Development in Moldova (Moldova), National Authority for Tourism (Romania), Administrative Territorial Unit Tulcea County (Romania), Railwaiys of the Slovak republic (Slovakia), Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Bratislava City – Capital of Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Pomurje Tourist Association (Slovenia), Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (Slovenia), Development Agency of Serbia (Serbia), Municipality of Kladovo (Serbia), Ministry of Tourism (Bulgaria), Association of Danube River Municipalities “Danube” (Bulgaria), Municipality of Ruse (Bulgaria).
Flyer Transdanube.Pearls
Newsletter June 2019
Newsletter September 2018
Poster Transdanube.Pearls
Press release May 2019
Press release March 2019
Press release No. 1
Press release No. 2
Press release No. 3
Press release No. 4