Sponge city princip v Grazu kot ukrep za omilitev vročine v mestu

Ready4Heat projekt in projektni konzorcij, ki naslavlja izzive vročinskih valov in kako se ranljive ciljne skupine ter mesta prilagajajo na te vedno bolj prisotne težave, je od 5. do 6. marca 2024 obiskal avstrijsko mesto Graz. Mestne ulice in zasaditev dreves, ki omili vročino v samem mestnem jedru, so načrtovane po ‘sponge city principu’, ki so ga prenesli iz švedskega Stockholma. Drevesa lahko v takšnih okoliščinah odlično uspevajo in nudijo senco v vročini.

Vsi ti ukrepi so seveda dolgoročni in jih je potrebno komunicirati z mestnimi urbanimi načrtovalci, arboristi in drugimi mestnimi oddelki. Ne smemo pa pozabiti na hitre ukrepe, ki jih lahko mesta izvedejo v kratkem času, kot je vzpostavitev ‘heat warning’ sistema, to je sistem, ki obvešča ranljive skupine ljudi o prihajajočem vročinskem valu in kako ob tem postopati.

Vsi ti ukrepi bodo tudi del mestnih strategij in akcijskih načrtov za prilagoditev na vročinske valove, ki jih partnerska mesta (avstrijski Weiz, madžarski Hajdúböszörmény ter Maribor iz Slovenije) pripravljajo v tem času.

Več informacij pa dobite na https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/ready4heat/.


The Ready4Heat project and project consortium, which addresses the challenges of heat waves and how vulnerable target groups and cities adapt to these increasingly present problems, visited the Austrian city of Graz. The city streets and the planting of trees, which soften the heat in the city center itself, are planned according to the ‘sponge city principle’, which was transferred from Stockholm, Sweden. Trees can thrive in such circumstances and provide shade in the heat.

All these measures are, of course, long-term and need to be communicated with the city’s urban planners, arborists and other city departments. But we must not forget the quick (short-term) measures that cities can implement in a short time, such as the establishment of a ‘heat warning’ system, that is a system that informs vulnerable groups of people about an upcoming heat wave and what to do about it.

All these measures will also be part of the city’s strategies and action plans for adaptation to heat waves, which the partner cities (Austrian Weiz, Hungarian Hajdúböszörmény and Slovenia’s Maribor) are currently preparing.

You can get more information at https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/ready4heat/.

R4H - Graz